Sustainability Approach

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Sustainability Approach

Codelco is a world-class company and as such it has been able to respond duly and on time to the global transformations that have taken place in terms of sustainability.

The company's Charter of Values ​​establishes that "social responsibility and sustainable development are an integral part of decision-making for value in our operations and development projects."

This new look imposes great challenges, in order to be consistent with Codelco's values ​​and vision. To this end, the company has committed to positioning sustainability as a strategic pillar, improving socio-environmental, safety and occupational health standards. Also to validate Codelco as a reference in terms of sustainability in the industry and to be a respected company for its socially responsible behavior, its transparency and level of information, as well as its business ethics.

Sustainability is declared as one of the strategic pillars of Codelco, backed by the promulgation of the Sustainable Development Policy of 2003 and the Commitment to Indigenous Peoples of 2004.

This policy is inserted in the context of Social Responsibility, recognized especially by the United Nations Global Compact and by the International Labor Organization, ILO; as well as other international initiatives, including ISO 26000 for Social Responsibility, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).